Friday, August 17, 2012

Books, books and more books.

If you love-like me, love  to look at libraries or different ways books are arranged,  I have the site for you. The name of this site is not to my liking but I ignore that since the pictures on this site are so cool if you like books like I do. Many styles of books on here displayed.

books on display


A bookstore to be stranded in
3 examples of pictures on this site. Only 3 of a 100 or more of the never ending beautiful book displays, books shelves, libraries, etc. on this link.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Brandilyn Collins

Brandilin Collins is about the greatest author of suspenseful christian books. I follow her on FB and get her bi monthly email. She has several wonderful series. These are hard to put down and scarey creepy reading  especially at night. Her trademark is "Seat belt Suspense."

Series she has put out:

Hidden Faces


Kanner Lake


She also has put out several by themselves book.

This last one 's subject is based on the Lyme disease she fought and God healed her of.

She also has written a great series with her daughter for teens called the Rayne Tour series.

 Someday maybe I will get to them all.

Perhaps while stranded in a bookstore.

Blog link to author:

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Where is Lindsay Baum?

A missing child from my home state close to my heart, I have prayed often to find what happened to this is the official site for the family. Just imagine this was your  sweet heart disappearing  without a trace at 9 years and now she would be 14 and you do not know. it cannot happen to me or I do not want to be bothered. You could at least pray. there are a lot of missing people and children, not many are stranger abductions, but 1  is too many.