This blog is about books, missing people.... and the bible. I think I have yet to lay a real bible study out there. Will attempt this today and in later posts.
Now there are 67 verses in chapter 24 of the first book in the bible, Far too many to tackle in one sitting. So I will break the verses down into short increments. I will also be using the authorized version of the bible since I did not want to deal with many missing verses that any other version might have.
Genesis was written by Moses in or around 1400 BC.
I found some great information here and actually learned some new stuff as a Genesis overview. ( My forte is not the history and background of the word of God, but the verses and words themselves, so a lot I do not know concerning this.)
Overview and survey of Genesis.
The above link contains the information if you want to look at it.
From the link above a brief summary of the book is as follows: Brief Summary:
The Book of Genesis can be divided into two sections: Primitive History
and Patriarchal History. Primitive history records (1) Creation (Genesis
chapters 1-2); (2) the Fall of man (Genesis chapters 3-5); (3) the
Flood (Genesis chapters 6-9); and (4) the dispersion (Genesis chapters
10-11). Patriarchal history records the lives of four great men: (1)
Abraham (Genesis 12-25:8); (2) Isaac (Genesis 21:1-35-29); (3) Jacob (Genesis 25:21-50:14); and (4) Joseph (Genesis 30:22-50:26).
Purpose of Writing:
The Book of Genesis has sometimes been called the "seed-plot" of the
entire Bible. Most of the major doctrines in the Bible are introduced in
"seed" form in the Book of Genesis. Along with the fall of man, God's
promise of salvation or redemption is recorded (Genesis 3:15).
The doctrines of creation, imputation of sin, justification, atonement,
depravity, wrath, grace, sovereignty, responsibility, and many more are
all addressed in this book of origins called Genesis.
Many of the great questions of life are answered in Genesis. (1) Where did I come from? (God created us - Genesis 1:1) (2) Why am I here? (we are here to have a relationship with God - Genesis 15:6) (3) Where am I going? (we have a destination after death - Genesis 25:8).
Genesis appeals to the scientist, the historian, the theologian, the
housewife, the farmer, the traveler, and the man or woman of God. It is a
fitting beginning for God's story of His plan for mankind, the Bible.
Here is an easy simple chart to look at and a take in at once overview:
.A longer summary and great list. I love this one . So much awesome stuff here: Genesis bible survey.
So on to chapter 24. A summary of this chapter is: Abraham commands that Isaac shall not marry a Canaanite—The Lord guides
Abraham’s servant in choosing Rebekah as a wife for Isaac—Rebekah is
blessed to be the mother of thousands of millions—She marries Isaac.
Well that makes it seem pretty drab and boring, but we will see it is not at all as we dig deeper on my next post.
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