Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Phil Stacey

I do not watch  American Idol, but I did love this song by one of the finalists in the 6th season on there: Phil Stacey:      


Phil Stacey You're Not Shaken Lyrics

I am sinking in a river that is raging
I am drowning, will I ever rise to breathe again
I want to know why I just want to understand
Will I ever know why

How could this be from Your hand
When every little thing that I have dreamed would be
Just slips away like water through my hand
And when it seems the walls of my belief are crashing
[ Lyrics from: http://www.lyricsfreak.com/p/phil+stacey/youre+not+shaken_21038027.html ]
Like they're all made of sand
I won't let go of You now, because I know You're not
I'm trembling in the darkness of my own fear
All the questions with no answers still grip me while

I'm here And I may never know why I may not understand
But I will lift up my eyes And trust this is Your plan
When I am in the valley of the shadow of death
You're not shaken, You're not shaken

You're right here beside me and
You have never left
You're not shaken, You're not shaken     

You're Not Shaken lyrics © Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DUYAWq2gJ5o To hear the actual song or just Google it.

You might catch me listening to this with my MP3 while stranded in a bookstore.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Genesis 24........

This blog is about books, missing people.... and the bible. I think I have yet to lay a real bible study out there. Will attempt this today and in later posts.

Now there are 67 verses in chapter 24 of the first book in the bible, Far too many to tackle in one sitting. So I will break the verses down into short increments. I will also be using the authorized version of the bible since I did not want to deal with many missing verses that any other version might have.

Genesis was written by Moses in or around 1400 BC.

I found some great information here and actually learned some new stuff as a Genesis overview. ( My forte is not the history and background of the word of God, but the verses and words themselves, so a lot I do not know concerning this.)

Overview and survey of Genesis.

The above link contains the information if you want to look at it.

From the link above a brief summary of the book is as follows:      Brief Summary: The Book of Genesis can be divided into two sections: Primitive History and Patriarchal History. Primitive history records (1) Creation (Genesis chapters 1-2); (2) the Fall of man (Genesis chapters 3-5); (3) the Flood (Genesis chapters 6-9); and (4) the dispersion (Genesis chapters 10-11). Patriarchal history records the lives of four great men: (1) Abraham (Genesis 12-25:8); (2) Isaac (Genesis 21:1-35-29); (3) Jacob (Genesis 25:21-50:14); and (4) Joseph (Genesis 30:22-50:26).

 Purpose of Writing: The Book of Genesis has sometimes been called the "seed-plot" of the entire Bible. Most of the major doctrines in the Bible are introduced in "seed" form in the Book of Genesis. Along with the fall of man, God's promise of salvation or redemption is recorded (Genesis 3:15). The doctrines of creation, imputation of sin, justification, atonement, depravity, wrath, grace, sovereignty, responsibility, and many more are all addressed in this book of origins called Genesis.

Many of the great questions of life are answered in Genesis. (1) Where did I come from? (God created us - Genesis 1:1) (2) Why am I here? (we are here to have a relationship with God - Genesis 15:6) (3) Where am I going? (we have a destination after death - Genesis 25:8). Genesis appeals to the scientist, the historian, the theologian, the housewife, the farmer, the traveler, and the man or woman of God. It is a fitting beginning for God's story of His plan for mankind, the Bible.

Here is an easy simple chart to look at and a take in at once overview:


.A longer summary and great list. I love this one . So much awesome stuff here: Genesis bible survey.

So on to chapter 24. A summary of this chapter is:  Abraham commands that Isaac shall not marry a Canaanite—The Lord guides Abraham’s servant in choosing Rebekah as a wife for Isaac—Rebekah is blessed to be the mother of thousands of millions—She marries Isaac.

Well that makes it seem pretty drab and boring, but we will see it is not at all as we dig deeper on my next post.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Christian Fiction-Covers,Most Beauitiful

Sunday I spent several hours on Good Reads book site. I had fun voting on the prettiest and most attractive Christian covers. Hard to choose.

I do not like a lot of the lists of Good Reads, but in case you wish to check out this feature of the site: here is the main link http://www.goodreads.com/list. The link to the list I am centering my post on today is: http://www.goodreads.com/list/show/5353.Best_Christian_Fiction_Book_Covers

These were the 7 covers I voted as the best.

There are about 400 more on there.  I  am not sure if you must be registered on the site to vote, You probably do, but it is easy to register and the books are true rejoicing of beauty to look at.

What one do you like?

Many can be found when stranded in a bookstore.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Missing children and strategies to keep safe links

Maybe I stated
Timothy, Auroras Illinois to Wisconsin Dells In WI.Age now 6. Was with mom who was found deceased..
 this before, but a big passion of nine is praying and helping in small ways to find the lost and missing of this earth. I do not have much time to devote to this, but the cause means a lot to me. Pray with me for these cases: 
Here are  links on Pinterest to find out more. Each pin will take you to the individual cases. http://pinterest.com/jadelyn1224/the-missing/      http://pinterest.com/rslady/amber-alert/

I found the 2 informative sites linked below on the amber board above. These are very important articles on keeping from becoming a missing statistic or rape victim, etc. I am going to go over them with my kids.http://www.checklistmommy.com/2012/02/09/tricky-people-are-the-new-strangers/


Here is a link on Pinterest to find out more. Each pin will take you to the individual cases.          Stay Safe.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Books, books and more books.

If you love-like me, love  to look at libraries or different ways books are arranged,  I have the site for you. The name of this site is not to my liking but I ignore that since the pictures on this site are so cool if you like books like I do. Many styles of books on here displayed.

books on display


A bookstore to be stranded in
3 examples of pictures on this site. Only 3 of a 100 or more of the never ending beautiful book displays, books shelves, libraries, etc. on this link.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Brandilyn Collins

Brandilin Collins is about the greatest author of suspenseful christian books. I follow her on FB and get her bi monthly email. She has several wonderful series. These are hard to put down and scarey creepy reading  especially at night. Her trademark is "Seat belt Suspense."

Series she has put out:

Hidden Faces


Kanner Lake


She also has put out several by themselves book.

This last one 's subject is based on the Lyme disease she fought and God healed her of.

She also has written a great series with her daughter for teens called the Rayne Tour series.

 Someday maybe I will get to them all.

Perhaps while stranded in a bookstore.

Blog link to author: http://www.brandilyncollins.com/index.html

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Where is Lindsay Baum?

A missing child from my home state close to my heart, I have prayed often to find what happened to

http://www.findlindseybaum.com/index.html this is the official site for the family. Just imagine this was your  sweet heart disappearing  without a trace at 9 years and now she would be 14 and you do not know. it cannot happen to me or I do not want to be bothered. You could at least pray. there are a lot of missing people and children, not many are stranger abductions, but 1  is too many.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Liszt's Dante Symphony: A Historical Thriller about the Arts & Deceptive Arts


 My Review:  I received this book from the author. I found it to be different and intriguing. I learned a lot of history I did not know anything of in a pleasant exciting way. Real good author to put together such historical twists and turns. A few parts of the book moved slow and I had trouble getting what was going on so I gave this a 4 instead of five. But great different read than most.

I gave it 4/5

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Awe the boombox-more like ipod

When "stranded in a bookstore", you are apt to see others with headphones on. and most book stores carry music and these things called headphones to purchase. I really have trouble finding the music I listen too in secular bookstore's though, Christian music.

Here are 10 songs I would probably have on my ipod if I had one and unfortunately I would not discover in a bookstore. Are any of these you favorites also:   
  1. At the Cross-Jeremy Riddle
  2. In the Hands Of God- Newsboys
  3. When God Ran- only Bernie Hester
  4. Man you would write About-4 Him
  5. Take you Back-Jeremy Camp
  6. Start to fly- Plus One
  7. Light meets the Dark- Tenth Avenue North
  8. All of Creation- Mercy Me
  9. When you Are a Soldier-Stephen Curtis Chapman
  10. Search My heart- HillSong United    
I will have to list more often, these are only 10 of thousands I adore.        

Friday, July 20, 2012

Cute and Creative Craft and gift book.

I love crafting. I have noticed it is now called DIY a lot, but whatever it is called if I was "stranded in a bookstore" I would probably check out the craft and /or DIY section.

 Well this time it was a library and I was not stranded.

I was perusing the craft section as usual and I took home with me this one:

Homespun Gifts from the Heart
I loved this book so much I did not want to give it up. So much so that I wrote to the publisher to find out to order it. (This was before I did computer.)

 The author's are Karen Ehman, Kelly Hovermale & Trish Smith

 This book has 200 creative ideas, some of which are, food ideas and packaging to give ideas, wedding gifts, gift bundles and baskets,holidays and Garden ideas.

A really great extra are the 250 gift tags in the back. There are tags of diverseness for different gifts and to fit with mixes with the recipes on them.

I also like the cute bible based gifts in there.

The book has homey black and white photos and is 189 pages including index.

The ideas in it are simple and inexpensive. Much you may already have on hand.

I recommend this highly.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Balanced on a Tightrope: Herbs and Brittle Asthma.

Balanced on a Tightrope: Herbs and Brittle Asthma.: Oh yea, have I mentioned not only do I have bipolar and all it's trappings , but since I was about 3 I have endured chronic(brittle ) asth...

If you want to read on my brittle asthma and stuff I am doing to help it. Check out the link. Also check out these natural health books I have on my shelf at home. You might find these or the same kind if you are "stranded in a


Link above for amazon books in this subject area.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Balanced on a Tightrope: Bipalar books I may want to read

Balanced on a Tightrope: Bipolar books I may want to read: I really want to read several bipolar books. It has been awhile since I have read one and neither one that I attempted  was good enough...

While stranded in a bookstore, you could look for these volumes on Bipolar and speed read or purchase. To read the whole article go on link to my brother site mentioned.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Book review from Good Reads


Anna's Book by


While stranded in a bookstore I found this lovely book 2nd hand. My review on  http://www.goodreads.com/

3 of 5 stars I am divided.
 I loved this book, but disliked it at the same time. Extremely good writing, but wondered if I would ever hit the mystery. The 2nd half was worth keeping on and I wanted to find out what the answer was. I wondered for awhile if it would end with the last sad book I read and never finding out; no closure. It did not do that. One big dislike for me was the diaries were so drab, I cannot get why they would be so popular like that. That did not make sense. Skipped some of that and I skipped another section of of some document also. I just could not endure it. so some of this book ranked 2, some 4, so compromised on 3. The skipped parts may have even been a one, but the 2nd half made up for it. I also do not like generational books with people dying off. That is real life, but I read to be uplifted, not depressed.


Monday, July 9, 2012

book sites:

When not stranded in a bookstore, I like to enjoy book web sites though I never have enough time to truly  spend time on them as I would like.
Here are links to 3 great book sites other than the usual one we can buy from (Amazon, Barnes and Noble, etc,)

  1. For cozy mystery buffs try:    yhttp://cozy-mystery.com/
  2. For reviews, fellowship and any kind of books you like, try:   http://www.goodreads.com/ May need to make an account for this one. I have one and never tried to use it w/out it.
  3. http://www.whichbook.net/ is a great site to help you pick out a book to read next. What is cool about it is you can pick a book according to what you feel like reading. You can make lists of books, read other lists of people's books and find books easily by author. 
Check these out and have fun.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Mickey Shunick Case: Police Charge Sexual Offender With Murder - ABC News

Mickey Shunick Case: Police Charge Sexual Offender With Murder - ABC News-

Etan Patz. finally got a confession after 30 or so years of parent's waiting for answers.
I have been following the top case above (link  -the picture is missing young lady and the one arrested)   It looks like there is going to be a sad ending to this. Though if someone is killed, I think it is good to know that is what went down and not years of non knowing as in the Etan Patz case or others. Prayers for the family. My heart is for the missing to heaven and missing on earth.

If I have not explained this before, this blog is covering news and reviews and info on 4 of my passions: Books, The bible, Christian music and missing people.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Brain boost of fiction Reads

While stranded in a bookstore I found someone I follow on there and this link: Fiction books and brain boost.

Fiction books give a boost to your brain?
This is nice to know. At my age you need all the help you can get and I am so thankful to know the books I have been reading all my life have added to my brain power.  Imagine how stupid I would be without the reading for 45 years?

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Blogging Adventure: Cozy-Mystery.Com

Blogging Adventure: Cozy-Mystery.Com: Cozy-Mystery.Com : "- Sent using Google Toolbar" Yesterday I posted about several authors and "cozy mysteries I had been reading. Today I am...

This is just a starting line post while stranded in a bookstore looking at cozy mysteries. A beginning of a fresh slate blog.